Your prized artwork and photographs deserve the best presentation possible. Using LED plug-in picture lights, you are able to illuminate your artwork without the need for (or cost of) replacing bulbs. LEDs boast a long lifespan, and ours are conservatively rated for up to 70,000 hours of use, or 35 years at 5 hours a day. After these 35 years, you’ll experience a 20% reduction in brightness as opposed to the burnout experienced with legacy incandescent or halogen bulbs, meaning you’ll be able to continue enjoying your lights for years to come.
Further to the longevity experienced with LEDs, you’ll also enjoy better energy efficiency due to the low voltage Light Emitting Diodes – less power is required for the fixture by nature of how LEDs function. This also leads to virtually no heat transmission, in addition to safety from UV and infrared lighting spectrums, keeping your artwork in the pristine condition in which you’ve displayed it.